Please note the Session displays the courses offered in the selected Term, but the syllabus shows the most up-to-date syllabus, and is for reference purposes only.
Course | Title | Syllabus |
APBI_V 200 001 | Introduction to Soil Science | 2024W2_V |
APBI_V 200 002 | Introduction to Soil Science | 2024W2_V |
APBI_V 210 001 | Vascular Plants | 2023W2_V |
APBI_V 214 002 | Animal Sheltering and Companion Animal Support Services | 2024W2_V |
APBI_V 265 001 | Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems | 2024W2_V |
APBI_V 290 201 | Introductory Topics in Applied Biology | 2024W2_V |
APBI_V 311 001 | Comparative Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Osmoregulatory Physiology | 2023W2_V |
APBI_V 314 003 | Animals and Society | 2024W2_V |
APBI_V 315 001 | Animal Welfare and the Ethics of Animal Use | 2024W2_V |
APBI_V 316 001 | Equine Biology, Health and Welfare | 2024W2_V |
APBI_V 317 002 | Welfare and Ethics of using Animals in Science | 2022W2_V |
APBI_V 342 001 | Soil Biology | 2023W2_V |
APBI_V 360 001 | Agroecology II: Ecology of Agricultural Systems | 2024W2_V |
APBI_V 361 199 | Key Indicators of Agroecosystem Sustainability | 2024W2_V |
APBI_V 402 002 | Sustainable Soil Management | 2024W2_V |
APBI_V 405 002 | Plant-Water Relations for Sustainable Agriculture | 2024W2_V |
APBI_V 412 001 | Belowground Ecosystems | 2021W2_V |
APBI_V 415 001 | Applied Animal Behaviour | 2023W2_V |
APBI_V 419 201 | Fish Health | 2024W2_V |
APBI_V 423 001 | Ecological Restoration | |
APBI_V 428 201 | Integrated Pest Management | |
APBI_V 463 002 | Insects in Agroecosystems | 2024W2_V |
APBI_V 490D D_201 | Advanced Topics in Applied Biology - HU WLDLFE CNFLCT | |
APBI_V 490E E_202 | Advanced Topics in Applied Biology - HW,D SHELT ANMLS | 2024W2_V |
FNH_V 160 201 | Integrated Physiology for Human Nutrition I | 2024W2_V |
FNH_V 161 201 | Integrated Physiology for Human Nutrition II | 2024W2_V |
FNH_V 200 103 | Exploring Our Food | 2024W2_V |
FNH_V 200 104 | Exploring Our Food | 2024W2_V |
FNH_V 250 002 | Nutrition Concepts and Controversies | 2024W2_V |
FNH_V 303 001 | Food Product Development | 2024W2_V |
FNH_V 309 001 | Food Processing | 2024W2_V |
FNH_V 326 001 | Food Science Laboratory II | 2024W1_V |
FNH_V 326 002 | Food Science Laboratory II | |
FNH_V 330 002 | Introduction to Wine Science I | 2024W2_V |
FNH_V 335 001 | Introduction to Wine Science II | 2024W2_V |
FNH_V 335 PR1 | Introduction to Wine Science II | |
FNH_V 340 001 | Food Theory and Applications | 2023W2_V |
FNH_V 340 002 | Food Theory and Applications | 2024W2_V |
FNH_V 345 201 | Counselling Skills in Dietetics | 2024W2_V |
FNH_V 350 002 | Fundamentals of Nutrition | 2024W2_V |
FNH_V 351 002 | Vitamins, Minerals, and Health | 2023W2_V |
FNH_V 355 002 | International Nutrition | |
FNH_V 371 002 | Human Nutrition Over The Life Span | 2024W2_V |
FNH_V 375 201 | Nutrition Care I | 2023W2_V |
FNH_V 402 001 | Functional Foods | |
FNH_V 403 002 | Food Laws, Regulations and Quality Assurance | 2024W2_V |
FNH_V 404 201 | Food Safety and Quality Management | 2022W2_V |
FNH_V 419 001 | Interfacial Phenomena | |
FNH_V 451 002 | Nutrient Metabolism and Implications for Health | 2024W2_V |
FNH_V 455 001 | Applied International Nutrition | 2024W2_V |
FNH_V 473 001 | Applied Public Health Nutrition | 2024W2_V |
FNH_V 474 002 | Sport Nutrition | 2024W2_V |
FNH_V 475 002 | Nutrition Care III | 2024W2_V |
FNH_V 477 001 | Nutrition and Disease Prevention | 2024W2_V |
FNH_V 480 001 | Professional Dietetic Practice II | 2022W2_V |
FNH_V 480 002 | Professional Dietetic Practice II | 2024W2_V |
FOOD_V 515 002 | Fundamentals of Agri-Food Business | 2023W2_V |
FOOD_V 516 002 | Advanced Food Safety and Quality Management | 2024W2_V |
FOOD_V 519 001 | Interfacial Phenomena | |
FOOD_V 520 002 | Advances in Food Analysis | |
FOOD_V 522 002 | Advances in Food Chemistry | 2024W2_V |
FOOD_V 523 002 | Advances in Food Microbiology | 2023W2_V |
FOOD_V 524 002 | Advances in Food Processing | 2024W2_V |
FOOD_V 527A A_002 | Special Topics in Food Science - SP TPS FOOD SCIE | 2024W2_V |
FOOD_V 529 002 | Laboratory Methods in Sensory Evaluation | 2024W2_V |
FRE_V 290 002 | Introductory Topics in Food and Resource Economics | |
FRE_V 302 001 | Small Business Management in Agri-food Industries | 2024W2_V |
FRE_V 302 201 | Small Business Management in Agri-food Industries | 2024W2_V |
FRE_V 385 002 | Quantitative Methods for Business and Resource Management | 2024W2_V |
FRE_V 420 002 | The Economics of International Trade and the Environment | 2024W2_V |
FRE_V 460 001 | Economics of Food Consumption | 2024W2_V |
FRE_V 474 001 | Causal Inference in the Economics of Natural Resource Conservation | 2023W2_V |
FRE_V 490 002 | Current Issues in Food and Resource Economics | 2023W2_V |
FRE_V 505 002 | Agricultural and Resource Policy Analysis - Policy and Project Evaluation Tools | 2024W2_V |
FRE_V 515 002 | Agribusiness Management | 2024W2_V |
FRE_V 517 002 | Futures Trading in Agricultural Commodities | 2023W2_V |
FRE_V 518 002 | Survey Design and Data Analysis | |
FRE_V 521D D_002 | Topics in Food and Resource Economics - TOPICS IN FRE | 2024W2_V |
FRE_V 521E E_002 | Topics in Food and Resource Economics - TOPICS IN FRE | |
FRE_V 521F F_002 | Topics in Food and Resource Economics - TOPICS IN FRE | 2024W2_V |
FRE_V 521G G_002 | Topics in Food and Resource Economics - TOPICS IN FRE | |
FRE_V 523 002 | Resource Economics I | 2024W2_V |
FRE_V 526 002 | Environmental Economics and Policy: Theory | 2024W2_V |
FRE_V 527 002 | Environmental Economics and Policy: Empirical Analysis | 2022W2_V |
FRE_V 529 002 | Estimating Econometric Models | 2023W2_V |
FRE_V 530 002 | Econometrics with Time Series Data | 2023W2_V |
FRE_V 531 002 | Global Food and Resource Governance | 2023W2_V |
FRE_V 585 002 | Quantitative Methods for Business and Natural Resource Management | 2024W2_V |
GRS_V 290A A_103 | Global Issues in Cultural Context - GLOBAL ISSUES | |
GRS_V 300 001 | Global Water and Energy Nexus | 2021W2_V |
GRS_V 390A A_103 | Global Issues in Cultural Context - GLOBAL ISSUES | |
GRS_V 490 103 | Global Issues in Cultural Context | |
HUNU_V 515 001 | Business & Entrepreneurship in Dietetics | 2024W2_V |
HUNU_V 525 002 | Indigenous Health in Dietetics | 2024W2_V |
HUNU_V 540 001 | Advances in Food Theory and Applications | 2024W2_V |
HUNU_V 545 001 | Counselling Skills in Dietetics | |
HUNU_V 573 002 | Population and Public Health Dietetics | 2024W2_V |
HUNU_V 575 001 | Nutrition Care I | 2024W2_V |
HUNU_V 577 002 | Nutrition Care III | 2024W2_V |
HUNU_V 580 002 | Professional Dietetic Practice II | |
LFS_V 101 201 | Principles of Microeconomics with Applications to Land and Food Systems | |
LFS_V 150 002 | Scholarly Writing and Argumentation in Land and Food Systems | 2024W2_V |
LFS_V 150 004 | Scholarly Writing and Argumentation in Land and Food Systems | 2024W2_V |
LFS_V 150 007 | Scholarly Writing and Argumentation in Land and Food Systems | 2024W2_V |
LFS_V 150 008 | Scholarly Writing and Argumentation in Land and Food Systems | 2024W2_V |
LFS_V 150 201 | Scholarly Writing and Argumentation in Land and Food Systems | 2023W2_V |
LFS_V 252 002 | Land, Food, and Community: Quantitative Data Analysis | 2024W2_V |
LFS_V 252 003 | Land, Food, and Community: Quantitative Data Analysis | 2024W2_V |
LFS_V 340 001 | First Nations Health and the Traditional Role of Plants | 2024W2_V |
LFS_V 350 002 | Land, Food, and Community II: Principles and Practice of Community Food Security | 2024W2_V |
LFS_V 400 001 | Audio Storytelling | 2024W2_V |
LFS_V 450 001 | Land, Food, and Community III: Leadership in Campus Food System Sustainability | 2024W2_V |
LWS_V 525 002 | Global Issues in Land and Water Systems | 2024W2_V |
LWS_V 550 002 | Professional Communications Strategies | 2024W2_V |
PLNT_V 505 002 | Plant-Water Relations for Sustainable Agriculture | 2024W2_V |
PLNT_V 530B B_LX2 | Directed Studies - Directed Studies | |
PLNT_V 530F F_LX2 | Directed Studies - Directed Studies | |
PLNT_V 590B B_002 | Advanced Topics in Plant Science - ADV PLNT WATER | |
SOIL_V 502 002 | Advanced Sustainable Soil Management | 2024W2_V |