FRE 420: The Economics of Trade and the Environment
Instructor |
Grader |
Instructor: Dr. Carol McAusland
Grader: Xiao Han
This webpage highlights only a few elements of the course syllabus.
Please download the full course Syllabus in PDF Format for detailed information about this class.
This term we will be using Piazza .The system is highly catered to getting you help fast and efficiently from classmates, the TAs, and myself. Rather than emailing questions to the teaching staff, we encourage you to post your questions on Piazza. )
Date |
Details |
January 17 |
Deadline for proposing and refining candidate resolutions for debates |
Jan 20-22 |
Qualtrics - vote for resolutions |
January 23 |
Teams Announced |
January 31 |
Debate Teams: Work Plans Due |
February 12 |
Debate Teams: Outlines Due |
February 12-14 |
Peer Review of Teammates |
February 26 |
Midterm |
March 19 |
Slide Decks & Bibliographies Due |
March 24 |
In-Class Written Summaries |
March 31 – April 7 |
Debates |
Final Exam |