FRE 490: Spatial Data Analysis and Remote Sensing

Semester: Winter 2024 (Term 2: Jan 08, 2024 to Apr 12, 2024)

Lecture: Monday, Wednesday 10:00-11:30 in Ponderosa Commons North - Oak/Cedar House Room 1003

Instructor: Jonathan Proctor (

Teaching Assistant: Dennis Engist (

Instructor Office Hours: Monday 11:30-12:30 in MacMilan 235, or by appointment

Teaching Assistant Office Hours: 15:00-16:00 in MacMillan 192A, or by appointment

Note: currently listed as FRE 490 002: Current Issues in Food and Resource Economics. 


This course introduces students to spatial data analysis and remote sensing using the R programming language with a focus on social science applications. The first half of the course teaches students to create, store, manipulate, and analyze spatial data including points, lines, polygons and rasters. The second half of the course introduces students to color- and texture-based approaches for remote sensing, as well as more advanced spatial data analysis methods. Lectures will teach course concepts, and the lab assignments will give students further experience implementing concepts in code. The course has a midterm exam and final project. 


Grades are based on: lab assignments (45%), midterm (15%), final project proposal (5%), final project presentation (5%), final project writeup (20%), and class participation (10%). 


While the labs are designed to teach R coding skills, and no prior coding experience is required, some prior coding experience will reduce the time it takes to complete the labs. A basic background in probability and statistics (e.g., a basic understanding of linear regression) is also recommended. 


Optional textbook: "Spatial data analysis" by Christopher Lloyd, Oxford University Press. Because spatial data analysis is a relatively young field there is not a perfect textbook for this course; some may find this text helpful. 


Lab assignments are where much of the learning of the course will occur. Labs will be submitted online via canvas. While the initial labs are relatively basic, they increase in difficulty as the topics studied increase in complexity. Use of ChatGPT on the lab assignments is discouraged, as learning to analyze spatial data requires practice (i.e. typing!). Use of such resources for the final project is acceptable. Students are encouraged to talk through approaches to lab assignments with each other; however the labs are individual assignments and code should never be directly shared. Assignments that share duplicated code will all receive zero credit. Late assignments are accepted up to one week after they are due and receive a one point penalty out of three points (i.e. they can receive a maximum score of 2/3). Lab solutions are posted a week after labs are due; late assignments are not accepted after solutions have been posted. Labs are due before the start of class (10:00 am) on the day stated for each assignment. 


Class policies: 


Course Schedule (subject to change): 


Week 1: 1/8 and 1/10: Introduction


Lab 0 assigned, Lab 1 assigned.


Week 2: 1/15 and 1/17: Space: measurement and representation


Reading: TBD 

Lab 0, Lab 1 due.

Lab 2 assigned.


Week 3: 1/22 and 1/24: Point processes


Reading: TBD 

Lab 2 due

Lab 3 assigned


Week 4: 1/29 and  1/31: Lines, Polygons, and Networks


Reading: TBD 

Lab 3 due

Lab 4 assigned


Week 5: 2/5 and  2/7: Fields, interpolation, evaluating model performance


Reading: TBD 

Lab 4 due

Lab 5 assigned


Week 6: 2/12 and 2/14: High dimensional fields


Midterm Exam (2/14) during class. 


Lab 5 due

Final Project Proposal assigned


No class: Mid-term break 2/19 - 2/23


Week 7: 2/26 and  2/28: 3D Data, Policies in Space, and Causal Inference


Reading: TBD 

Final project proposal due.

Lab 6 assigned (two weeks to complete)


Week 8: 3/4 and  3/6: Spectral-based remote sensing methods


Reading: TBD


Week 9: 3/11 and  3/13: Texture-based remote sensing methods


Reading: TBD

Lab 6 due

Lab 7 assigned (two weeks to complete)


Week 10: 3/18 and  3/20: Texture-based remote sensing methods continued


Reading: TBD


Week 11: 3/25 and  3/27: Use of remotely sensed measurements in inference

Reading: TBD

Lab 7 due


Week 12: 4/1 and 4/3: Spatial tools for estimating climate change impacts:

Reading: TBD


Week 13: 4/8 and 4/10: Final project presentations 


Final project write-up due April 16th, 2024. 


Note: Special thanks to Solomon Hsiang and previous graduate instructors for Spatial Data Analysis for sharing many course materials that this course builds off of.